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A whole page devoted to Gideon and his bunny friends...
Gideon is an Albino Lionhead rabbit. He was born on April 1st 2001 (My little April
Giddy's favourite pastimes are...chewing the lounge carpet, playing with Jonah, hiding under the sofa and generally doing anything naughty!

Giddy is just getting over the jabs the vet had to give him, and the HUGE needle used to Identi-chip his scruff. I expect he'll stop sulking soon! lol

  How can anyone not love that cute, fluffy face? Typical of the Lionhead breed, Gideon has a big, fluffy mane round his neck - just like a lion!

Gideon 3/7/01
  The sexy side view For all you lady buns out there!
Notice the adorable little cotton wool ball tail.

Gideon 3/7/01
  Gideon (aged 12 1/2 weeks) Gideon is the first rabbit I've had come and live with me, and I've been reading books and asking around for advice and hints on rabbit care. If you have any information on the Lionhead breed or rabbits in general, feel free to send me a short e-mail. Thanks xxx

Gideon 3/7/01