The animals that share my home...
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Brighton and Hove


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My mini zoo...
As I'm sure you've already guessed, there are dozens of little horrors running around the house here all the

There's a black & silver Corn Snake called Manson, he's been here about 4 years now and drives me mental by escaping from his tank from time to time and hiding in my houseplants!

I also have three Gerbils named Daisy, Asia and Jet, who just nibble everything in site. Daisy and Jet are bullies, so poor Asia is in another tank next to theirs all on her own. She doesn't seem to mind though. I think she's glad of the peace to be

Sadly, my little Shaws Gird, Kinsey, passed away in her sleep 30/5/01, having been part of the family for nearly five years. She's now buried in my mum's garden with all the other little ones we've lost along the way.

He's a very tubby moggy who likes to make loads of noise and wake us up in the early hours of the morning! It's always Jonah that starts all the cat-fights by teasing the others until they bash him!
  The Cats...
There are also four adorable Cats that share my home. The oldest is Blaise (she's 7) followed by Skye (age 6), Hope (age 5) and finally Jonah (age 3). They all came to live here for a variety of different reasons and are now part of the family.

We found poor Jonah in the middle of a main road, having been run over twice right in front of our eyes! Having rushed him to the vets, the next step was to track down his owners. Sadly, it was discovered that he was a stray and had no home of his seemed only natural for him to come home here and join the rest of us. Jonah has been with us for almost 2 years now and although the other cats don't like him, he's settled in really well.

Their favourite things...
As well as food, food and more food! the cats love chicken and cheese. They all like to be spoilt and made a fuss of (don't we

Blaise likes to be massaged around her shoulders. When you do it, she goes all soppy and makes silly noises.

Hope loves 'The Vet' toy. It's a little, soft version of the real thing, filled with catnip. Sometimes, when she thinks no one's looking, I see her chewing it like mad and trying to pull his arms

Skye adores being brushed, and will sit for hours while you do it.

Jonah loves to drive the other cats up the wall! He teases and chases them all the time. Poor Jonah always has a few scratches on his nose from various battles.

NEW RABBIT 16/6/01
Yeah....we now have an adorable little 'Lionhead Rabbit'. Lionheads are a wonderful breed, with a big, fluffy ruff around their necks. My little man was born on 1/4/01 and I've called him Gideon (Giddy, for short). He's an albino, and has fantastic, piercing red eyes. Don't forget to visit his page....

Gideon's Rabbit Page

She's very shy and tends to hide when people she doesn't know very well enter the room. Hope's a pedigree Pewter Longhair, and hates to be brushed!

Skye & Blaise
Blaise is a spoilt little madam, who likes to get her own way, and sulks if she doesn't. Skye is half Turkish Van, and a terrible flirt. She'll ignore a room full of women to sit on a mans