My Childhood...
To be honest, my childhood wasn't too great. My younger years were tainted by abuse, which has always been very difficult for me to come to terms with.
I was born on 3rd November 1974, sometime around 2pm. I was a very small baby because I was premature, but even then had a shock of tight, white curls on my head! My younger brother Graham was born a couple of years later and we were very close growing up. My family lived in London at the time, and we came to Brighton when I was about 11 years old.
My Teen years...
These were a bit of a nightmare I was a real gothic for a couple of years, and had the purple hair, black clothes and face like thunder to prove it!
Drama and singing were very important aspects of my young adult life, and I trained very hard in both at the 'Brighton School of Music and Drama' for several years. I left home and got engaged at the tender age of 16, and thought I had better things to do with my time than study drama after College every day.
It was at about the age of 17, that I started to become interested in 'New Age' culture. Having learnt to read Tarot Cards and Runes, I moved on to gain my first degree in Reki Healing. From there, I began to work at various Psychic Fairs and Healing Conventions locally, giving readings and talks. I was soon running several groups of my own,on Meditation and Psychic Awareness.
Adult life...
What can I say... I grew up, learnt a lot about life, and became the woman I am today. It wasn't easy for me... I guess it isn't for anyone really. I had quite a few health problems and was a bit of an emotional wreck for a while, but with help from all the right people, I got through it. For several years I suffered with M.E, and couldn't do any of the things I really wanted to do. It took a long time to begin to recover, but I'm ok now...and doing better and better each day.
I always strive to be the best possible person I can be, and try to live each day of my life with love and light in my heart and soul.
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