Ember's Home
Home Page

About me

The Animals...

My Favourite Things

Gideon's Rabbit Page

Brighton and Hove


Guest Book


Welcome to my website!

As you've probably gathered, my name is Ember. I'm 27 and live in the wonderful city of Brighton & Hove. If you live on the coast, you'll understand.....beautiful beaches, lovely people and a fantastic nightlife!

I work as a Carer, looking after my elderly grandmother during the day. She drives me crazy at times...lol, but is a treasure really.

My spare time is spent seeing friends, reading, drinking at my local and generally having fun! I love to meet new people and have a bit of a laugh. Brighton & Hove is an amazing place...I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. We have some of the most creative, artistic, open-minded, fun people here!

The reason for making this site was to say a big 'Hello' to everyone out there in cyber-space! and to share a little bit of myself with you all.
My Interests...
There are so many things I'd love to have the time to be able to do, but like everyone else, I find there simply aren't enough hours in each day.

Reading is my first love...anything under the genres of Crime and Horror are a must! My favourite authers include Kellerman, Koontz, Grafton, Deaver and Cornwell. As well as reading Horror novels, I adore watching Horror films...the more blood and gore the better...lol

Far too much of my time is spent on-line, in various dodgy chat rooms, being chatted up by little, old men who have nothing better to do with their time...lol

Little me, on holiday last year!
Not the most flattering of photographs...lol

Site Updates...
2/1/02 - Just a general tidy up really.
3/7/01 - Added a whole page devoted to Gideon the rabbit, including pics.

16/6/01 - New Rabbit!!!!! To find out more about him...visit Gideon's Page.

2/6/01 - Added some new pictures to the pages 'Favourites' & 'Photos'. I also put a few new links on the 'Links' page.

If you have any comments or suggestions,or just fancy a chat, feel free to e-mail me whenever you like.

Feel free to e-mail me anytime...

I'd like to say a quick thank you to Jason, my other half, for not moaning at me about being on the computer all the time...lol

A big cuddle for Graeme and his husband Rob, for being such angels...(giggle)

Finally, I'd like to dedicate this site to the loving memory of my dear friend Ross. You may have gone mate, but you'll never, ever be forgotten. Rest in peace Jedi Knight.

It's me!!!!!!
This picture was taken a year or so ago by a photographer friend of mine. My hair is Blonde now...thanks to the little bottle on a shelf in my bathroom...lol
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